Sunday, 2 June 2013

Top 5 CPM ad networks 2013.

Posted by Unknown on 00:00 with 36 comments
CPM is Cost Per Mile. You are paid on per thousand impressions. These are best suitable to those bloggers receiving a medium and high traffic and where the number-of-pages/visit is greater. You can try them individually and figure out which one works for you best. 

1. Burst Media.

Site requirements ▌ A minimum of 25,000 page views monthly. 
Payout methods are Check, PayPal and EFT in certain countries. Minimum payout is $50. 

Requirements is ▌Top level Domain.
                     ▌ A minimum of 500,000 unique visitors per month. (Yeah,!! that's too much).

Requirement is ▌A minimum of 3000 page views per month.

 ▌2 million page views per month. That means only estabilished sites are eligible. Not for small or medium publishers.


Site requirements ▌ A minimum of 30,000 unique visitors per month. 
Minimum payout is $100 through check, PayPal. 

Reviews: A detailed reviews of these advertising networks are going to be done in coming posts. You may subscribe to the blog to receive all those updates. 



  1. I prefer cost per view network cost per view network and valueclick media on my sites. these are very good options. you can get hundreds of other options but beware of spams. online business full of spammer so i would say you must read reviews and check again and again before joining any network.

    1. Edomz looks like low quality. I think your are edomz owner. I left after 1 mins looking at it. Not attractable.

  2. Just check it out my advertisers ads high brand for you low web publishers. Add in your links for free at

  3. I think tribalfusion is quite good and I also keep hearing a lot of good stuff about and being one that PAYS VERY well. I am planning on testing out all of them that you listed and let you guys know about my experiences.

  4. hello,
    guys this blog help you to know how to get approval from ad networks
    and also tell about features of ad networks.

  5. good suggestion... I'm going to see burstmedia and cpx interactive

  6. One of them good site is for small and medium type site in my knowledge.

  7. thank you so much....the information was so helpful to me..... PROFESSIONAL BLOGGING TIPS

  8. nice sharing..

  9. guys,
    I have implemented bidvertise on my blog and itz just awesome in terms of revenue, one should try it once in their career
    it provides high revenue compared to other n/ws.
    Make money from your Website or Blog with BidVertiser

  10. for my blog i am applying admediaking cpm ads network.Getting good cpm rates for all country traffic.

  11. TribleFusion and Valueclicks both are high paying cpm networks. However they are very strict at approving new sites.

  12. Google adsense reserves the industry as the best online ad publishing. CPM advertising sites some of them for highest traffic sites and some for lower traffic Top Ad Networks Accept Low Traffic Website Daily or Weekly Trustable Ad Networks for Low Traffic Publishers ... Top bloggers uses right seo for their blogs and also very consistent with the blogging. Now accepts only some sites which have huge traffic internationally.

  13. The Best CPM Ad Network BuySellAd is the most popular ad network in the world now.

  14. Do you want to know about the Best CPM Ad Network ? It is Buysell Ads. Know from blog which is the world's top most modern and popular blog now.

  15. Adtomatik is the best,if you want highest fill rates and better ecpm than others ad networks, then what are you waiting for? Use adtomatik.


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